För honom, och mina andra vänner som har blivit min engelska familj, är ju England mitt hem. Jag är en självklar del i det. Charlie säger hela tiden "när du flyttar tillbaka...", och jag har just nyligen kommit underfund med att jag definitivt har två helt olika liv som båda drar i mig; och i det läget jag är nu vet jag inte vilken sida som kommer komma segrande ut ur striden.. Det skrämmande är att inom en kort framtid måste jag ta det stora beslutet som kan komma att avgöra denna tvist..
måndag 29 december 2008
Baka baka liten kaka!
För honom, och mina andra vänner som har blivit min engelska familj, är ju England mitt hem. Jag är en självklar del i det. Charlie säger hela tiden "när du flyttar tillbaka...", och jag har just nyligen kommit underfund med att jag definitivt har två helt olika liv som båda drar i mig; och i det läget jag är nu vet jag inte vilken sida som kommer komma segrande ut ur striden.. Det skrämmande är att inom en kort framtid måste jag ta det stora beslutet som kan komma att avgöra denna tvist..
fredag 26 december 2008
Strålande jul!
Jag med mina paket! Finfina klappar!!!
Det var kort och gott en god jul med påtok för mkt julmat, men klart den mysigaste stunden på året!
Och fyra dagar kvar till London!! Woop woop again!
torsdag 18 december 2008
Imegos julfest 2008

Tomtemor i en mer vågad tappning
Jag, Bill (vd för Imego), Andrea, Kristina och Stefan hänger vid baren.
Oj va glada vi är, speciellt jag...
Jag, Andrea, Goran och Lulu drog därefter ner på stan och dansade vidare till latinorytmer. Vid 3-snåret kunda jag ha betalat någon för att hugga av mina fötter med 3barns mamman Andrea körde fortfarande på högsta växeln! Drog mig hemåt till Sandras lägenhet iaf och stupade i säng...
När mor ringde imorse grymtade jag bara... För lite sömn och fötterna värkte fortfarande, "flex" var det enda som gick genom mitt huvud.
Har därmed sett ut som en liten slacker idag; Sandras mjukisbyxor (5cm för korta), Sandras munktröja (tajt o fin) samt joggingskor. Men det spelar ingen roll, alla har varit så trötta och hängiga att ett hej i korridoren är allt man har orkat med.
Men kort sagt var jag sjukt nöjd med min första julfest! God mat, gott sällskap och nice som bara den! Kände mig verkligen som en av grabbarna i slutet! Merry Christmas to you all!
onsdag 17 december 2008
tisdag 16 december 2008
Earthquake and twats
måndag 15 december 2008
Visiting Helsingborg once again
Sandra and Robert at Wallman's
Liza and Sandra at Ebba's
fredag 12 december 2008
Christmas food for the Sandberg family - it's up to you guys!
This morning I participated in a national radio competition called MorronZoo here in Sweden. Had to sing a verse (that I myself had put together ...sort of) from 12 days of Christmas according to a special theme that the hosts decided at the spot. I had to sing with a Finnish accent, HARD! It's on the web and I need your votes! If I win chiefs come home to me to cook a proper christmas dinner, and everyone who knows me knows how much my family work during December...We need it! Otherwise there will be no ham for My...
Even as an English person you can vote, once a day is possible so get on your computers people! Just click "Rösta" where it says "My sjunger..." and its done! Piece of cake!
I'm still at work by the way..need to work a few extra hours as I'm taking out some of my "flex"-hours tomorrow. Going to Helsingborg at 4pm to watch my sister...yes again... Wallmans should hire me as a stand-in, pretty much down with everything in the show now, haha!
Sandra and Robert are coming with me, should be a good night! Back at Cervera on Sunday though, too much free time can be dangerous I've heard!
The only way to keep me fropm going crazy here in my office is Jeff Dunham...go on YouTube and watch him, thats all I can say...a genius!

onsdag 10 december 2008
tisdag 9 december 2008
An annual worry...

måndag 8 december 2008
Lidberg all the way!
Went out, danced like fools and drank G&T. Ran into the sister's cousins, Sandra and Marlene (Lidberg no.3 & 4), and danced some more.
Time flew, and all of a sudden it was 02am and time to stop dancing. I had a "natural" craving for kebab, chips and filthy-sauce (no, not that kind of sauce!) so I left the sisters to bring them some food. But guess to my surprise when I arrive to the apartment and they both have passed out on the bed fully clothed!
torsdag 4 december 2008
Ta åt sig
onsdag 3 december 2008
Oh, forgot something...
...I am sorry for being slightly annoyed with you guys for trying to convince me that Swedish is an impossible language to learn and basically only consists of made-up sounds like "hurdy gurdy flurdy" and "houdy boudy"...
I am now wiser and understand your point...all due to this lesson (one out of many I might add) on how to master Swedish. Enjoy!
Some days are just generally shit...
måndag 1 december 2008
Kan jag få en till helg please!?
Sofia briljerar vid biljardbordet, något jag tyvärr inte kan skryta med...jag sög...
lördag 29 november 2008
Last one left at work..
Something is seriously wrong here....
And I'm bored...
fredag 28 november 2008
Busy days!
Dagens tips: ChaiLatte från EspressoHouse, it's to die for!!
tisdag 25 november 2008
Things to do whilst you're waiting for a measurement...
1. Go on facebook and stalk all of your friends.
Yes I know everything there is to know about everyone. As my dear friend Fluffy (his parents named him something else but can't remember what) said: "If it's not on facebook, it's not worth knowing"...poor Fluffy....although the bastard is moving into central London this weekend...
2. Sing along to all songs you know on youtube and annoy your work colleague to death.
I had my Maria Mena period, now I'm into christmas songs. I'm not sure if Goran minds me constantly making noises but lately he has been spending less and less time in the office...hmmm...strange...
3. Go onto www.pinupclothing.com and wish that you dared to get yourself a tattoo, become a pinup girl and conquer the world.
Only in my imagination is that gonna happen, but they sure look cool though... Got my eye on this sailor themed bathing suit... After show school I could probably pull it off... Less boobs tho... None of the makeup.. And blond hair... I might be onto something here!

4. Find all pictures ever put out on the web regarding Makrigialos, Crete.
Since I got my final decision I can't stop thinking about how brilliant the year to come will be! Lets skip Dec and Jan, who needs them anyway?! They just cost you money.

5. Be a physics geek and browse www.xkcd.com
The heaven of geeky comic strips about math and (apparently) life. It doesn't matter, as the little nerd I am I enjoy it!

Why do you think I'm writing this? I'm bored!
måndag 24 november 2008
Crete baby, yeah!
Shopping som firande!
fredag 21 november 2008
Snö och kyla

torsdag 20 november 2008
I'm the shit!
onsdag 19 november 2008
Julklapparnas tid är nu...
tisdag 18 november 2008
Gingerbread break!
Satans moln...
Sov gott!
måndag 17 november 2008
Meteor rain starts today!

The Leo is situated below the plough and the left of Orion's belt, just by Saturn!
Happy star gazing!
What? I'm not tired...
Managed to get to Gothenburg in one piece this morning, aided by loud music in the car...well needed as its silly how dark it is at 6am in Sweden and that my internal clock (not the baby-making thingy clock but the one handeling being awake) finds it hard to adjust when its pitch black.. Hence the screaming, sorry, singing in the car.
To my great disadvantage has work stocked up on mints chocolates in the reception as well during the weekend...Think they might be for clients and customers but since I have to walk through reception to get from my office to the lab, a route I take at least 20times a day, I might have tasted one or two...This is going to be hell...
This week however is going to be an exciting one! Starting with dance classes again, ballet tomorrow and jazz on Tuesday! Took a small break from these types of dances to persue a career playing rugby...odd combination I know... Ballet-Rugby-Ballet... Hmm....
To be perfectly honest I have no clue of what to expect from myself for tomorrow! For the last 4 years my mind set has been on hurting people (physically) to some extent, and now I'm suppose to be gracious and stuff... Might have to update you guys on my progress...

Spot the difference?
Don't want the weekend to end...
My dinner consisted of cheese sandwiches and lots of red wine, a proper Charlie-dinner!
Liza with her entourage!
Liza's homemade hot chocolate when we came back from the musical, lovely in the autumn darkness
lördag 15 november 2008
fredag 14 november 2008
My på jobbet
Så här pigg ser jag ut när jag leker fysiker, va tvungen att ta på mig en extra tröja då experiment fungerar bättre i lite småkyligt tillstånd..me no like.. Håret, fick sig dessutom ett extra "lyft" av ösregnet, har just torkat till och har därmed vad jag kommer kalla den där "fräscha natuliga"-looken...eller nåt...
Helsingborg nästa!

torsdag 13 november 2008
I'm so cool!
Seriously people...
onsdag 12 november 2008
Jädrans mörker...

A quick lunch?
Which reminds me that I have to book a Friskis&Svettis aerobic session today, fun fun! Since I'm basically sitting on my behind all day long I love going next door and seriously sweat! Next door also means that I don't really have an excuse not to go, since it's literally on my doorstep.
Just booked tickets to go and see "High School Musical - The Stage Show" in Malmö on Sunday with my darling big sis as well. I know that most people don't like the movies (even though I've tried desperately to "cultivate" my English friends, thanks for the bday cake by the way guys) but I have this strange obsession with the first movie, not so much the second. The third one I haven't managed to see yet, mainly because no one is stupid enough to go and see it with me...which I perfectly understand...I'm such a geek...
The stage show however is cool! And you are cool if you go and see it! That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it!

How cool doesn't this look! I'm so excited!!
Vilse i storstadsdjungeln...
Nu när frustrationen har lagt sig lite ska jag fylla dagen med diverse electrochemical mätningar (mitt jobb är sjukt roligt stundvis, now not so much), musikalbokningar (High School Muscial i Malmö med syster, jag är en liten tönt innerst inne) och julklappsfunderingar! My ska vara en snäll tomte à la 2008 då det är första året då hon har en riktig lön att prata om. Systrar och systerdotter kommer bli rejält bortskämda har jag en känsla av...
The language issue...
I'm gonna do what I feel is the most My-like.... Not decide and just write in whatever language I fancy at the time being! So for all you non-Swedish people, don't worry if there seem to be some strange made-up language on the screen, it doesn't mean anything! We Swedes just pretend to have our own language in order to feel special, really it's just random letters put together. Don't believe me? Well, wait and see then!