onsdag 19 november 2008


For all foreign people who haven't bothered to learn Swedish, and all Swede's who actually don't mind reading in English for that matter....
I survived my first ballet lesson in four years! Just barely, but I'm standing straight (almost)with hardly any difficulties (a lie, the muscles in my back are killing me). It was so much fun though! Already excited about next week! Tonight it's jazz dance, think it's going to be another interesting evening...
Weather forecast says that the end of the week will be proper winter days with even chances of show! I truely hope so because it's a disgrace that Birmingham have had snow and I, who live in the country of the North, haven't seen a single flake yet! It's been cold as **** but still only freezing rain, which doesn't provide you with that nice fuzzy feeling but rather a "I-might-kill-someone-due-to-this-wet-cold-darkness"-feeling....

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