torsdag 13 november 2008

Seriously people...

On my way to work this morning I was listening to the radio as usual. On the news it was a story about Lidl in Solna, Sweden. The staff "was tired of the mess caused by homeless people going through the garbage in search for disgarded food", so they decided to pour toxic and corrosive detergents over the garbage! I get so angry when I hear stories like this! How small-minded are some people?!
There is nothing wrong with the food that supermarkets throw away due to the expiration date! One of England's most famous food critics Giles Coren (often guest at Gordon Ramsey's F-word) even did a piece on a fast growing movement in England where more and more people "shop" from supermarkets trash cans as so much perfectly good food is thrown away each year. So why can't Lidl just let these people eat this food since it's probably going into the incineator away, instead of poisoning them...
Seriously people, get a grip of yourselves!

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