People wouldn't in general classify me as a girly girl. I love my baggy jeans and sneakers, prefer some well-played rugby before any other sport and my kind of humour is definately situated below the belt...
However, there is one aspect of my life where I am more of a girl than any other girl. It is like all the girliness that should be defining me as a girl in all aspects has been collected in a very small and narrow shows...
Obsession no. 1: Smallville, have loved that show for years! Have every episode on my computer and watch the religiously, me and all the 13 years old girls.. I'm so not cool... To my defense I love Superman, and so that is the reason why I love this series so much, research about his early years you know...not even I believe that reason..damn!
Obsession no.2: Charmed, the show that I've forced my housemates in Bham to watch until they dropped dead. My reason here is going to be that I'm very fascinated by the supernatural, and as a scientist is very important to explore other explanations etc.... Who am I kidding, I love Alyssa Milano and would gladly change my preference if she asked!
Obsession no.3: Girls of the Playboy Mansion, do I need to say anything else? Hugh, you're a genius! Entertaining, simple, fun! No one can ever be as blond as Kendra, never.
And the newest obsession of them all....
....Lipstick Jungle! I may have got a little too excited (and obsessive) yesterday whilst curing my hangover when I decided to watch all of the episodes in Season2 in a row. But OMG I'm so happy I did! Still thinking of the last episode! Want to watch it when I get back home tonight!!! And for everyone that's wondering, it is not final that it's cancelled. NBC made a press release in mid Jan that they are exploring the possibilities to bringing the show back!! No I am not obsessed at all...

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