Yesterday my stomach decided to work against me and I didn't manage to eat anything (besides from one apple cut into tiny tiny pieces) until 8pm. At that point I had to decide whether to withstand the immense hunger that was causing some of the stomach ache and not eat at all, or eat something with the risk of experiencing moments of incredible pain. I went for the latter...
But as I am a member of the Sandberg-family (or maybe this is the Stigefelt-gene) I popped a few paracetamol, hoped for the best and went to bed.
And, tada! I'm feeling kinda ok today. I'm at work, with my electrodes, pretending to know stuff!!
I had a weak moment yesterday when I considered staying home from work, but realized that I don't really know how to be ill... Relax.... Hmmm...
I just can't see what you should do at home for a whole day when you don't feel so bad you have to lie in bed but at the same time could not handle running around. Watch TV? For a few hours, yes, but then what? I wouldn't been able to cook or bake because food in general made me crinch yesterday. Any suggestions for next time my body decides to act up?
Hence I'm very happy about my quick recovery (thank you immune system, I will never speak ill of you again) and also as I'm meeting my dear friend Jennifer for lunch. Gonna hear all about her adventure in the US where she has been for two months working her ass of as a surgeon! Apparently she has been in the operating theatre for at least 8hours a day! INSANE! However, sha got to saw a kids skull open, how cool is that! And no, no permanent brain damage. Go Jennifer!
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