torsdag 16 juli 2009

1 month is not ok

Me and my strawberry cheeese cake

2/3 of Miniland, Lars and Jocke

My boys, Anton och Carl

We have a small farm at Pillilimata, 7 cats and 1 dog.
This pic is when the kittens still were small and cute...

Just realised it was 1 month since I last updated my blogg...thats not on...
My only chance of explaining this is that I'm a lazy bastard who can't be bothered to take my computer down to Obelix, the pizza place with internet access.
I have however some technical external hard drive has decided not to be recognized by any computer (thats a major problem) and my phone got some water damages after a small leakage in Linn's bag and won't turn on. So I should never again use anything that needs power to work. Bad!
I am also a sun freak. At the moment I think that its too warm to be out in the sun during the days, hence I stay inside before I need to go to work...I'm on bloody Crete and sit inside most days! What's wrong with me! So most of my tan has now disappeared and I look pale compared to the Sunwing guests.. And now I have no hard drive so I'm very very sad...
Shows are going well though and soon its time to sort out a show real if I want to apply for more work within this genre. Haven't decided yet, we will see what will happen!
I feel really bad for this but I have to go now as I need to search the web for my computer problem, my priorities are a bit weird, I know...